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  1. Antennas for 40m and 80m

    Commercial offerings and DIY antennas for 40m and 80m.

  2. Connecting to AllStarLink with a Smartphone

    Review of the very popular AllStarLink global network of interconnected repeaters and how to connect to it using your smartphone.

  3. Digital Mode Setup Example

    Example Steps for setting up a radio and PC for Digital Mode Communication. Examples include the Use of the following radios and Software: (ICOM IC-718, ICOM IC-706MKIIG, ICOM IC-7000, and Flex5000a) (Ham Radio Deluxe).

  4. Digital Voice in Amateur Radio, with an Emphasis on DMR

    A review of Digital Voice (DV) in amateur radio, with an emphasis on DMR, the Brandmeister global DMR network, and how to get started with DMR.

  5. Elmers Resource Handout

    Information on what to do with your new Ham license by Gary Roberts.

  6. Emergency Power

  7. Ham Radio with Android, by W7EFL

    Ham radio applications using an Android-based smartphone.

    Presentation by W7EFL, given on April 18, 2023

  8. Intro to Amateur Satellites

    FVARC Presentation by Rick Fletcher on Amateur Radio Satellites.

  9. Intro To HF Propagation Part 2 - Coping With Poor Propagation

    How to cope with poor HF propagation.

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