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Ham Testing in Eureka

By K7ONI - Posted on 05 October 2015

Just received this from Don for testing TOMORROW, tuesday in Eureka, in case you can make it. Otherwise we still will have testing on the 20th at the SAR building even though our meeting time has moved that week to plan for a possible open house this month.


We will be holding a Ham Testing Session on Tuesday, October 6th, at 1700 hrs. (5:00 P.M.).
Testing will be held at Valley Pizza in Eureka, back room.
Cost for testing is $6.00, that is a one time fee regardless if you take one test or three tests in the same testing session, in other words, if you want to take your Tech test, and after passing it, you want to go ahead and test for General at the same session, and then Extra, well you sure can for that one $6.00 fee.
If you or someone you know is ready to take the test and get Ham licensed, please GET THE WORD OUT,and join us, or if you are in the area, please stop by and say hello to the gang or twist Don's arm .
Well, hope to see lots of folks at the testing, if you have any questions please feel free to contact us here by reply email, OR call:
Don Johnson (WR7DW) 889-5886
Lonnie Brown Sr.(KG7JMX) Barbara Ann (AF7HY) 889-5768
Paul Stramer (KC7MEZ) 889-3183
Johnny Armstrong (K7BIR) 297-7336

North Lincoln County Repeater Group

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